Mike Robitaille gets his turn
The Mike Robitaille Roast Wednesday night at the Seneca Niagara Casino was a success by any measuring stick. A crowd of over 400 were in attendance with a ticket price of $100, so Women & Children’s Hospital of Buffalo and Veterans One-stop Center of Western New York Inc. were the beneficiaries of the WGR event. However, it was the grilling that Robitaille himself took that made the night so much fun.
The dais featured MC Jim Ralph, Howard Simon from WGR, John Murphy from the Buffalo Bills, former NHL and Sabres broadcaster Harry Neal, Brian McFarlane from Hockey Night in Canada, hockey great Marcel Dione, Kevin Sylvester from the Sabres and yours truly. Each too turns skewering Robitaille in their own way and all were very funny as Mike became the butt of every joke imaginable.
By the pure nature of what a Roast is, much of what was said could not be printed here. Although surprisingly the language was not too salty. Let’s just say Mike’s career in hockey, broadcasting and personal life were all fertile ground for the barbs.

Kevin Sylvester, Robitaille and Brian McFarlane
When Robitaille got his turn he walked behind each roaster at the head table and one by one returned the favor. However, Mike soon became sentimental, as he is want to do and in the end it turned into a love fest.
Robitaille told some stories and showed photos from his playing days, expressing how much he loved the game of hockey. Yet, Mike’s impassioned plea to the crowd to honor the Veterans like we honor our athletes and entertainers was the most memorable moment of the night.
Mike Robitaille is a class act and just a great guy to be around. It was such an honor to participate in his big night and again allow the world to know it.
Filed under: Koshinski's Korner
Tagged with: Bob Koshinski, Brian McFarlane, Harry Neal, Howard Simon, Jim Ralph, John Murphy, Kevin Sylvester, Marcel Dione, Mike Robitaille, Seneca Niagara Casino, WGR
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