DON’T GET ME STARTED remembers, about a quarter century ago, the time when I was on the air and kept harping on the Buffalo Bills. I was very vocal about the way that Marv Levy and Ted Marchibroda were using Jim Kelly.

Art Wander
After all, I saw Kelly play in a lot of games when he was with the Gamblers of the USFL. I kept it up day after day and then was told to “Get Out of Town”. Naturally, my stance was difference when Ted Marchibroda changed to the hurry up offense sending the Bills to 4 straight Super Bowls. I couldn’t have been more positive after that.
Here I go again. I wonder if the current front office will tell me to get out of town. I watched the performance of the Bills last Saturday against Carolina. I, like all others, paid specific attention to the quarterbacks. As a group, I thought they did quite well.
Now, I dissected the performance of Cassells – Manuel – and Taylor. Here’s my conclusion and my recipe for success.
1. Name Taylor as the starting quarterback – but only if
2. Roman, the offensive coordinator, applies the “Read Zone” offense that’s been quite useful by other quarterbacks.
I imagine that Roman, the OC, noticed the play of Marcus Mariota when he set the world on fire with his read-option excellence. Certainly Russell Wilson of the Seahawks has been doing a great job. He has the running back Marshawn Lynch. Put it in his bread basket, then pull it out.
Buffalo’s QB, Taylor, has the running speed to execute this offense. He has the running back in McCoy to get it done. Simply put, bury the ball into McCoy’s belly – pull it out – roll out to pass or run. Check the running stats of Mariota and you’ll see what happened. Check Oregon’s total points for 2014 and you can see how effective the read option has been. Defenses were confused.
Also that offense relied on the hurry up – no huddle approach. It was fantastic to watch Oregon; Seattle; and to a degree Roman’s 49ers use it a little bit. In short, no huddle-hurry up; shotgun style – give it to the RB, or pull it back – skirt right or left – pass it or run it. And other times, don’t pull it out and let McCoy do his thing. Oh yes, seek the counsel of Jim Kelly – the 4 Super Bowl master of the hurry-up offense.
There it is. Roman and Ryan – look at films of the Philadelphia Eagles and their double digit win seasons under Chip Kelly; study film of Oregon and – during the season – see what Tennessee is doing with Mariota at QB (that is if the Titans will adopt the offense to Mariota’s skill level.”
If the Bills flounder, as the Jets did with Buffalo’s coaching staff, people might be clamoring for some innovations by the Bills offense. Whatta you got to lose Rex. And so I’m waiting to see if my name comes up at the Quarterback Club on Don’t Get Me Started.
Filed under: Don't Get Me Started
Tagged with: Art Wander, Buffalo Bills, Rex Ryan, Tyrod Taylor
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